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Tutorial to make a Christmas wreath with Origami

Christmas wreath made with paper and origami folding technique

Make a Christmas wreath with paper is a goodideaif you are a beginner , because even if you're wrong, mattercousin (Folios or cardboard) is very economical, so you can get tested until you get well without spending much money. There are many   Christmas wreaths of paper you can do and a crown of Japanese Origami is one of them. Consists inperformfolds in the paper for several forms. In this case, the folds get to Christmas flowers, joined together, form a beautiful crownhang out at the door of your house. Here we take steps to make the tutorial 

Materials required: 

 8 sheets of squared paper color you choose. The size of them depend on the size you want it to be the crown. In this case it has been done with paper 15x15cm  Cola (glue).  satin cloth tape or 10cm.  Eight beads to decorate the center of each flower to form the crown. 


1. Fold the square sheet of paper in half vertically, horizontally and the two diagonals; with well marked folds: 

Instruction 1 to make a Christmas wreath origami

2. deploy it and fold it again forming a cone of ice cream, as in the image below.Make this same step for the other three points: 

Instruction 2 to make a Christmas wreath origami

3. deploy it onnew and fold as you can see in the picture below: 

Instruction 3 to make a Christmas wreath origami

4. Make the fold that you see below, clearly marked: 

Instruction 4 to make a Christmas wreath origami

5. Repeat the same procedure as in the previous step, but bending the tip to the left side: 

instruction 5 to make a Christmas wreath origami

6. Put the tip in the center lifted as you see in the picture: 

Instruction 6 to make a Christmas wreath origami

7. Open it: 

Instruction 7 to make a Christmas wreath origami

8. And lower it: 

instruction 8 to make a Christmas wreath origami

9. Fold it as you see in the picture: 

Instruction 9 to make a Christmas wreath origami

10. Repeat the same procedure in steps 3 to 7 on the opposite side of the sheet still unfolded. It must be so: 

instruction 10 to make a Christmas wreath origami

11. Open the same flower that is now closed perlite and hit one in the center:   

instruction 11 for making an origami Christmas wreath

12. Repeat with the other 7 sheets of paper.  

 13. Connect the 8 modules with glue, overlapping each other. 

instruction 12 to do a Christmas wreath origami

14. Paste satin ribbon bent between two modules to hang on the wall.    

13 instruction to make a Christmas wreath origami

15. And you're ready to hang your wreath on the door!   

Christmas wreath with paper, glue and perlite

  Remember that you can use the type of paper you want, even wrapping paper and make the color combinations you can imagine. Here you can see other ideas for combinations of paper, colors and beads:  

Christmas wreath made of origami

 If you liked the technique of Japanese origami, be encouraged to do this craft of Origami Christmas tree . 



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