Una guirnalda de Navidad que se compone sólo de los copos de nieve es una decoración universal para la temporada, ya que podría combinarse con prácticamente cualquier otra decoración. Además es muy fácil de hacer y no const mucho para ti. Usted necesita comprar adornos copo de nieve de fieltro, cualquier pegamento, cinta, y el brillo. Lo más probable es que ya tiene la mitad de esas cosas. Cada copo de nieve se debe cubrir con el brillo y se pega a la cinta.Eso es todo. 5 minutos y ya está.
Make a Christmas wreath with paper is a goodideaif you are a beginner , because even if you're wrong, mattercousin (Folios or cardboard) is very economical, so you can get tested until you get well without spending much money. There are many Christmas wreaths of paper you can do and a crown of Japanese Origami is one of them. Consists inperformfolds in the paper for several forms. In this case, the folds get to Christmas flowers, joined together, form a beautiful crownhang out at the door of your house. Here we take steps to make the tutorial Materials required: 8 sheets of squared paper color you choose. The size of them depend on the size you want it to be the crown. In this case it has been done with paper 15x15cm Cola (glue). satin cloth tape or 10cm. Eight beads to decorate the center of each flower to form the crown. Instructions: 1. Fold the square sheet of paper in half vertically, horizontally and the two d...
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